Organisational Announcement – Sincere Expression of Thanks and Congratulations!

September 16, 2021

Digestive Cancers Europe would like to inform you of the following organisational updates.

Firstly, for our Board of Directors:

  • Board Member Iga Rawicka has taken on the role of Vice Chair and Jenni Tamminen the role of Treasurer on the Board. They accepted these mandates in January 2021 and are continuing their roles until the end of their mandates (June 2022). The Board thanks Iga and Jenni for their excellent works so far in these positions.
  • Our first ever Chair, Dora Constantinides has finished her mandate appointed to her from June 2019 – June 2021. We would like to wholeheartedly thank Dora for her excellent work and for her patience and conciliatory approach through the period’s occasional but significant challenges.
  • As announced at our General Assembly held in June, Jola Gore-Booth also stepped down from her position on the DiCE Board. As co-founder of DiCE – and founder of EuropaColon out of which DiCE grew – we would like to express sincere gratitude to Jola and all her heartfelt efforts. Jola – there are letters from Members coming your way. Thank you to all of our Members who participated in our call for a note of thanks to her as the founder of EuropaColon – if you would still like to send a note please contact Catie and she will transmit these personally to Jola.

For those departing, we wish both of you – dear Dora and Jola – all the very best for your future endeavours! This said, we are very pleased to report that both Dora and Jola have agreed to continue imparting their experience and wisdom on the DiCE Board and Team as need arises. Along with this, we look forward to seeing them at our future events.

A new Chair and additional Board members are set to be appointed following the Board elections set to take place in 2022. Until then Iga Rawicka, will take on the tasks and responsibilities ad interim of the Chair of the DiCE Board of Directors. With this we would like to bring your attention to the Board elections that will take place at our 2022 Annual General Assembly. If Members are interested in becoming an active part of DiCE and would like to put themselves forward as candidates for the subsequent Board, we invite you to contact Ghislaine, our Administrative Manager, for further information on the role and how to put forward your candidature.

Secondly, to our leadership:

Zorana Maravic is now officially the DiCE Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Following her excellent performance as Acting CEO for the last six months, the Board and DiCE Team are very pleased to be moving ahead with her in achieving our mission and vision and our strategic objectives of saving lives and bettering the quality of life for digestive cancer patients across Europe and beyond.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the above, please contact us.

Catie Young

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