EU Projects

GUIDE.MRD Consortium Holds Productive 2nd Annual General Assembly in Hamburg

The GUIDE.MRD consortium’s 2nd annual general assembly in Hamburg discussed progress and challenges across all work packages, with over 30 pa...


DiCE is a Partner in HoloSurge: a Horizon Grant-Winning Project on Holographic Surgical Planning

DiCE is a partner in the HoloSurge project, which was awarded a Horizon Europe grant to improve surgical planning with hologram technology. One of ...


Productive DISCERN Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona

The DISCERN Kick-off meeting convened in Barcelona at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) platform for scientists and patient represent...


Kick-Off Event for the SmartCARE Project

On 28 March, key collaborators from the smartCARE consortium gathered in Brussels to share ideas and perspectives. Haidar Akl, a member of our scie...


TOGAS: Towards Gastric Cancer Screening Implementation in the European Union

On 30 – 31 March, DiCE participated in the kick-off meeting of the TOGAS project held in Riga, Latvia. TOGAS, which stands for TOwards GAstri...


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