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Kick-Off Event for the SmartCARE Project

On 28 March, key collaborators from the smartCARE consortium gathered in Brussels to share ideas and perspectives. Haidar Akl, a member of our scie...


A Wind of Change in the EU’s Pharmaceutical Landscape

The challenge that the European Commission set itself up for in revising the EU’s Pharmaceutical Legislation (namely Directive 2001/83/EC1 an...


Colores Finland Shares Effort to Support People Living with Lynch Syndrome

Lynch Syndrome impacts several areas of life. Patients can benefit from collaboration with specialists across many fields, especially input from Ly...


EuropaColon Poland Received “Swallow of Hope Award”

Congratulations to our member organisation EuropaColon Poland Foundation for Patients, on receiving the “Swallow of Hope”, a national Polish aw...


TOGAS: Towards Gastric Cancer Screening Implementation in the European Union

On 30 – 31 March, DiCE participated in the kick-off meeting of the TOGAS project held in Riga, Latvia. TOGAS, which stands for TOwards GAstri...


Liver Cancer Index – The Mapping Survey Is Available Online

The survey was created to map the liver cancer treatment landscape across the EU and is now available online and disseminated among several relevan...


Scientists Propose A Novel Approach For The Treatment Of Liver Cancer

The Nature Cancer journal recently published promising results from cell and mouse studies by liver cancer specialists at the Massachusetts General...


EuropaColon Slovenia Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary

This March EuropaColon Slovenia rang in its 15th anniversary as a patient association! EC Slovenia was an original member of EuropaColon, the Europ...


Primary Findings From The GLOW Study Signals Positive Momentum In The Development Of Novel Therapeutic Options For Patients With HER2-Negative Locally Advanced Unresectable Or Metastatic Gastric & GEJ Cancers

At the end of 2022, leaders of the Phase 3 clinical trial GLOW shared their positive primary findings. GLOW (NCT03653507) is a global, multicenter,...


Trastuzumab Deruxtecan Meets Objective Response Rate Endpoint in Several Types of HER2-expressing Advanced Solid Tumours

Positive topline results of the ongoing DESTINY-PanTumour02 Phase II trial (NCT04482309) showed that treatment with trastuzumab deruxtecan met the...


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