DiCE Led Network Places Colorectal Cancer Screening Firmly on EU Agenda

Wednesday March 3 – Following one year of leadership and engagement, DiCE officially presented the conclusions of the Thematic Network for Colorectal Cancer Screening in the European Union – a part of the European Health Policy Platform to the European Commission.
The Network is a European Commission initiative that has brought together the support of 85 network members including experts, policy makers and national colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programme representatives. The work brought about:
- Two webinars exploring the work of countries and regions making CRC screening a success through collaboration across their healthcare ecosystems
- Newsletters with insight and updates on these best practices
- Filling the network library with publications and materials on how CRC screening saves lives when implemented effectively
- Organising a first ever European Screening Summit bringing together over 150 participants to mark the start of increased collaboration and, all going as planned, an annual initiative on screening in the framework of the Beating Cancer Plan.
- You can access the newsletters and information on the events on this page.
The official presentation concentrated on our Joint Statement including a Call for Action on Colorectal Cancer Screening in the EU. It includes recommendations to Member States, the European Union and other stakeholders, with the main points of:
- The development of national implementation plans to achieve the committed goals of 65% participation rate among citizens between 50 and 74 years old
- Ensuring investment in these plans
- Measurement of the economic value to support the programme’s continued success
If you haven’t already, please read our Joint Statement. Don’t hesitate to contact us to receive more information about the Network next steps. We strongly encourage you to sign up to the EU Health Policy Platform to give your precious contribution and shape the debate!
Catie Young