We Have a Winner! Results of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award

November 25, 2021
We Have a Winner! Results of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award

This year, we received three excellent proposals from our Member Organisations on work around colorectal cancer as a response to our annual call for the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award. Thank you to the three participants – we now have chosen the project that will go forward in 2022.

About the Proposals

Project 1

Entree: Mon Réseau Cancer Colorectal, France

Project name: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Prevention in Africa

Aim: To develop collaborations between healthcare professionals from different African countries and France to facilitate and improve the care and quality of life of patients affected by CRC. This collaboration would promote preventive measures aiming to reduce the need for an ostomy by raising awareness of the best screening/prevention actions to avoid CRC.

Project 2

Entree: SAID NGO, Lebanon

Aim: Raising awareness of CRC and promoting screening among adults (45-75 years of age) by offering free FIT tests to 250 individuals who respond to the call of the campaign. The project would also offer 10 colonoscopies to individuals whose results of the FIT test call for one.

Project 3

Entree: EuropaColon Polska, Poland

Aim: To look into CRC during pregnancy and to develop a series of educational materials to raise awareness among pregnant women and healthcare professionals about the neglected signs of CRC during pregnancy.

Project evaluation

All three projects were evaluated by our five-panel jury based on six different criteria:

  • Importance of the unmet need addressed
  • Innovativeness
  • Feasibility
  • Achievability
  • Sustainability
  • Multi-stakeholder approach

We would like to thank all three participants very much for their effort in putting the proposals together.

And the winner is…

We are delighted to announce that EuropaColon Polska’s project is the 2021 winner of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award. We wish the organisation every success with the implementation of the project and will be looking forward to the results of this one-year project.

If you have any questions about the WNMA – this year and in the future – please contact us.


Vassiliki Fotaki

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