News about DiCE
Nutrition Position Paper
Nutritional intervention is essential to cancer treatments. It can reduce hospitalisation length and treatment-related toxicity while improving nut...
European Commission Spending Plan for 2023 – Adoption of EU4Health Work Programme
The European Commission adopted the 2023 EU4Health work programme. It lists in detail all working streams and activities planned by DG SANTE in the...
Digestive Health Community Support for the Proposed EU Cancer Screening Recommendations
DiCE and United European Gastroenterology (UEG) issued a letter of support for the European Commission’s proposal.
...Looking into 2023, Pharma Legislation & Health Data Set to Dominate the Health Policy Space
DiCE welcomed the proposal for a regulation to set up European Health Data Space (EHDS). We believe that health data can improve health systems and...
DiCE is proud to be part of the #myUEGcommunity at UEGWeek2022
At DiCE, we strongly believe in cooperation and working together, which is why it was our pleasure to join UEG at their yearly congress in Vienna t...
EUPATI Patient Expert Training Programme
We are pleased to announce that 4 DiCE representatives will participate in this programme: Cristina Vacca, Italy; Laure Chotel, France; Miranda ...
Czech Presidency Putting Spotlight on Oncology – New Proposed Cancer Screening Recommendations
Earlier this month the Czech Presidency of the EU conducted an informal meeting of EU health ministers in Prague. Ministers discussed oncology, rar...
International Symposium on “EARLY-ONSET COLORECTAL CANCER” – Milan, 01 – 02 September 2022
DiCE was invited to participate in the symposium organised by the gastroenterology and gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit from the San Raffaele Scient...
Liver Cancer: No Patient Left Behind, Optimising the European Response
DiCE and ELPA will host a European policy event on 12 October 2022 at the European Parliament.