colorectal cancer

How alcohol can affect the development of colorectal cancer

While heavy alcohol consumption is recognised as a contributor to the development of colorectal cancer (CRC), an increasing number of studies sugge...


Success of ECCAM! The Full Report…

In March 2019 Digestive Cancers Europe launched a campaign to promote colorectal cancer screening at the occasion of the start of European Colon Ca...


Hours of TV Raises Risk of CRC in Young People

Sitting and watching TV and other sedentary behavior for more than two hours a day significantly increases the risk of contracting colorectal cance...


DiCE Releases the CRC Screening Roadmap

In parallel to the White Paper on Colorectal Cancer Screening, we also present the Roadmap for Colorectal Cancer Screening. The first document is d...


DiCE Releases the CRC Screening White Paper

This year DiCE has released the Colorectal Cancer Screening White Paper. The White Paper highlights the fact that despite the commitment from all E...


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