News about DiCE

Highlights from the EASL Liver Cancer Summit

The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) held the Liver Cancer Summit, its annual conference focused on liver cancer in Estoril, ...


Croatian National Policy Event on Digestive Cancers

As part of DiCE’s campaign for improving health policies in treating digestive cancers, Croatian Member, Iget will organise a hybrid National...


Productive DISCERN Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona

The DISCERN Kick-off meeting convened in Barcelona at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) platform for scientists and patient represent...


Kick-Off Event for the SmartCARE Project

On 28 March, key collaborators from the smartCARE consortium gathered in Brussels to share ideas and perspectives. Haidar Akl, a member of our scie...


A Wind of Change in the EU’s Pharmaceutical Landscape

The challenge that the European Commission set itself up for in revising the EU’s Pharmaceutical Legislation (namely Directive 2001/83/EC1 an...


TOGAS: Towards Gastric Cancer Screening Implementation in the European Union

On 30 – 31 March, DiCE participated in the kick-off meeting of the TOGAS project held in Riga, Latvia. TOGAS, which stands for TOwards GAstri...


Health Is Local – DiCE Members Organise National Policy Events

At DiCE, we aim to cover both European and national aspects of policymaking. That is why this year, we will be supporting DiCE Member Organisations...


How Is Your Country Doing? Launch of European Country Cancer Profiles

Together with nearly 200 participants, DiCE joined the online launch of Country Cancer Profiles on the European Cancer Inequalities Registry. The ...


European Commission Gathered Evidence on Vaccine-preventable Cancers

Earlier this month, DiCE responded to the call for evidence by the EU Commission. DiCE highlighted that to mitigate the rising incidence of Liver ...


Interventions to Reduce Cancer Screening Inequities

A group of patients and patient advocacy organisations published a promising multistep strategy to reduce cancer screening inequalities In Internat...


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