Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes
Digestive Cancers and Nutrition – How Can We Best Support Patients Living with Gastric and Oesophageal Cancers? – Session VI, 5th DiCE Masterclass 2020

We invite our Members to enjoy our Masterclass Series of 2020. Join us on an exploration of unmet patient needs in the digestive cancers – co...


Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes
Scientific Update – 5th DiCE Masterclass 2020

We invite our Members and all those interested to enjoy our Scientific Update on Digestive Cancers as a part of our Masterclass Series of 2020



Moving Forward in Designing an Optimal Colorectal Cancer Screening Process – First Live Webinar a Success!

134 people took part in our first Live Webinar on May 27 as a part of our
Thematic Network on the European Health Policy Platform: ‘Colorec...


European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month 2020

ECCAM 2020 Launches with Pan European Campaign and Petition to Save 100,000 #BeautifulLives



March is European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (ECCAM)

Every March EuropaColon and now also DiCE are busy raising extra awareness of colorectal cancer. That’s because March is European Colorectal Canc...


Launch of DiCE at ESMO Congress October

EuropaColon held a press conference to launch its expansion into Digestive Cancers Europe at the ESMO Congress in Munich in October 2018.



Launch of ECCAM 2018 at EU Parliament

European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (ECCAM) 2018 was launched at an event at the European Parliament on February 28 with presentations from ...


EuropaColon 3rd Advocacy Masterclass 2018
EuropaColon 3rd Advocacy Masterclass 2018

EuropaColons 3rd Advocacy Masterclass ran alongside ESMO’s 20th Anniversary World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer in Barcelona from 21st ...


Launch of ECCAM 2019 at EU Parliament

European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (ECCAM) 2019 was launched at an event at the European Parliament on February 28 with presentations from ...


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