Lorenzo's story

March 20, 2025

Lorenzo's story

Throughout this challenging journey, Irene, my children, family, and friends formed an incredible support team, giving me strength and calmness.

At 49, I underwent a splenopancreasectomy due to a VIPoma, a rare neuroendocrine tumour in the pancreas that produces excessive VIP hormone, unlike most inactive neuroendocrine tumours. Today, thankfully, I’m doing well.

I now believe the tumour had been with me since I was 17, as I’d always struggled with persistent diarrhoea. Reflecting on past experiences, I’m certain about this. During my teenage years, especially when running the 400 metres, anxiety before races meant countless trips to the bathroom. Teammates would joke, tossing wet toilet paper over locker-room doors. Once, on a skiing trip, I embarrassingly had an accident mid-jump. Friends laughed but shielded me as I quickly changed clothes on the ski lift. Intense stomach pains were frequent, especially after exertion or in cold weather.

Every stomach virus felt catastrophic. After turning 25, acid reflux and heartburn added to my symptoms. Over the years, I underwent numerous medical tests, even at renowned hospitals like San Raffaele in Milan, but no clear cause emerged. Doctors suggested anxiety, but I knew that wasn’t the issue.

I also experienced sudden sleep attacks, lethargy so severe I’d sometimes fall asleep while walking. On one occasion, I accidentally collided with an elderly woman. Despite being passionate about sports, my body struggled to cope, causing intense stomach pains after physical activity. I used to joke with friends and my wife Irene about dying young from intestinal problems, unaware of the seriousness behind the humour. Colonoscopies and tests for celiac disease showed nothing unusual.

In 2020, after contracting Covid, my symptoms intensified drastically. Severe diarrhoea lasted weeks, accompanied by facial flushing, heart palpitations, and extreme fatigue. Doctors at Torrette Hospital in Ancona prescribed medication, but relief was minimal. Still determined, in June 2023, I completed my first trail race, the Saslong Half Marathon. Yet, shortly afterwards, I experienced a severe bowel obstruction that landed me in hospital, revealing a 7 cm mass between my spleen and pancreas.

Initially misdiagnosed as an accessory spleen, doctors delayed informing me of the true nature of the mass—a malignant pancreatic tumour—until months later. Feeling increasingly ill and ignored, I pressed doctors for answers. Eventually, they confirmed the tumour, but their delayed response left me frustrated and frightened. Deciding I needed better care, I quickly sought a second opinion.

With help from a trusted internist friend, I connected with Professor Partelli at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. By late September 2023, my condition worsened dramatically; I couldn’t eat or drink, and constant diarrhoea left me severely dehydrated. Hospitalised urgently in Jesi, I was stabilised through intravenous nutrition, regaining strength for surgery.

On 14 November 2023, I underwent a complex operation to remove the tumour. The day after surgery, a serious haemorrhage necessitated emergency intervention; I feared I wouldn’t survive. Yet, against the odds, I recovered steadily. The precise diagnosis—a VIPoma—was confirmed post-surgery, a condition found exceedingly rare.

Throughout this challenging journey, Irene, my children, family, and friends formed an incredible support team, giving me strength and calmness. Like an athlete relying on their team, I openly leaned on those around me, inspired by Andre Agassi’s philosophy of teamwork and support.

Recovery brought immense joy, especially the day I successfully managed my first meal post-operation. With my symptoms resolved—no more diarrhoea, facial redness, or sleep attacks—I embraced life anew. Returning enthusiastically to work and my sports passions, I felt healthier than ever.

In June 2024, I proudly completed the Saslong Half Marathon again, improving my previous time significantly. Cheered by friends and strangers alike, it was a moment of hope and triumph. I now follow a careful diet, exercise regularly, and undergo six-monthly check-ups to monitor my health. Professor Partelli remains optimistic about my long-term prognosis.

Four months after surgery, my 50th birthday celebration became a beautiful tribute, attended by my entire supportive team. That unforgettable party will always remain close to my heart.


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