Mlađan's story

Mlađan's story
Your energy and self-belief that you can overcome the disease are so important. The more time that passes after my transplant, the easier and easier it is for me. The routine, the check-up tests, and those worries become less and less.
On January 29, 2023, sitting at home in the evening, I felt severe pain in my abdomen. I fell to the floor and writhed in almost unbearable pain while my wife called an ambulance. Thanks to the fast arrival of the ambulance and the professionalism of the hospital staff, I was taken to surgery very quickly, where life-threatening bleeding was stopped.
After surgery, I was weak and completely helpless, unaware of the situation around me. It is the most terrible feeling when you have no control over anything, absolutely nothing. I slowly came to consciousness with the great help of my wife and friends, who visited me and showed steadfast support. I decided that I would not give up, not only for myself but also for their lives. I couldn’t just walk away and leave the people who truly love me.
That was the moment when my NEW LIFE happened. I would say that, philosophically, I was born again.
I was diagnosed with liver cancer and liver cirrhosis. Still, I didn’t even have time to process that information before a new attack on my mental well-being happened: I was diagnosed with hepatitis C. I thought, well, it is what it is, and I hoped there was nothing worse to come. I had had a relatively entire life, and it was easy to come to terms with the fact that the chances of continuing life were relatively small, but I decided to do everything possible to survive.
After finding out everything we could about my illness, a plan to save my life slowly began to take shape. The first signs of salvation were that my hepatitis C could be cured with drugs. I was approved for a very expensive drug, and I started swiftly with the treatment. Incredibly, after one and a half months, I got the news that I no longer have hepatitis C. Only the cancer and cirrhosis remained. I said, “Great, let’s keep going”.
After the hepatitis C was cured, I was told that I was a candidate for a liver transplant. This was the only way to save me, so I was relieved. I often wondered what I had done to deserve such care and attention from the world and the doctors.
To have a transplant, you must be in good physical and mental health and forget all bad habits. There is a significant number of resources and knowledge invested in your recovery. So, I felt I had no right to behave irresponsibly towards those who love us and the society that allows us to stay alive.
I prepared for my transplant on all levels, from my nutrition to my physical condition. I recorded my blood pressure, sugar levels, temperature, and body weight daily and brought them to my weekly checkups. This made it easier for doctors to plan my treatment and encouraged me because I felt I was also an active part of the solution.
Seeing everyone doing their best, I started believing I would be healed.
In the time waiting for a transplant, I had a lot of tests at the day hospital. Over 7-8 days, I had a gastroscopy, colonoscopy, EKG, CT, and X-ray. There, I met a patient who had had a liver transplant ten years ago but was having kidney problems. From him, I learned a lot about transplants: the procedure itself, recovery, and how to help the medical team, including the possibility of problems with kidneys caused by taking anti-rejection drugs. I think every patient should have a mentor like him, as it helps tremendously in the recovery process.
It is essential to be aware that there is no guarantee of a good outcome after a transplant, but the chances for a new life drastically increase. When joining the waiting list, you must first agree on all possible risks. Next, you become a reserve candidate (if a transplant candidate does not turn up or is not physically fit enough for a transplant, you take the transplant instead).
I was at the Croatian seaside when I got my first call to be a reserve, and I came to the hospital (in the capital, Zagreb) in the evening. On arrival, tests (urine, EKG, blood) were carried out to establish the ability to undergo the procedure. The first time I was reserved, the primary patient received the transplant, but I was glad to know what awaited me when I was called again. The next time I had a call from the hospital was in the evening. Again, I was at the Croatian seaside and arrived in Zagreb around midnight.
The surgery was completed early in the morning. I woke up like a Borg robot, full of catheter tubes and clips. When I heard that the transplant was successful, I felt relief and focussed on a quick recovery. That day, I sat alone in bed and thought I was saved. My wife came to visit and saw that I was ok. I was happy that she could also finally breathe a sigh of relief because it is a horrible agony for your loved ones. It is often more difficult for them than for patients because the patient is focused on healing, and loved ones usually lose all hope. My dear wife knew I was indestructible, which kept her above water.
Your energy and self-belief that you can overcome the disease are so important. The more time that passes after my transplant, the easier and easier it is for me. The routine, the check-up tests, and those worries become less and less.
I know that my life has been turned upside down, and I will make the best out of that situation. I am aware that I fight against demons such as the possible return of cancer, kidney failure, or something else.
I am grateful for the time I have been given and try to use it as best as possible.
Only with excellent family support, common sense, and a realistic understanding of the situation can you stay on the surface of life.
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