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Aggressive cancers in ‘evolutionary arms race’ with the immune system
19 January 2020

Aggressive and highly-mutated cancers are engaged in an “evolutionary arms race” with the immune system, new research suggests. Gullet and stom...


What is the link between cancer and sugar?
19 January 2020

It’s commonly heard that sugar causes cancer or makes it grow faster. In some ways, this makes sense. Every cell in your body uses blood suga...


New Colorectal Cancer Guide
16 January 2020

New Colorectal Cancer Guide Offers Support and Practical Help to ‘Invisible’ Carers Brussels, 15 January 2020: Digestive Cancers Europe, the vo...


FDA Approves Drug for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
7 January 2020

There’s a new treatment option for some patients with pancreatic cancer — those who carry a specific genetic mutation can now be treated wi...


Not all processed meats are linked with cancer, study says
7 January 2020

Despite current concerns that eating processed meat is linked to a higher risk of cancer, a new research suggests it may just be processed meat tre...


Doing less than 25 minutes of exercise a day could help ward off cancer
7 January 2020

With the over-indulgence of Christmas out the way and a virtuous new year on the cards, it’s likely you’ve already considered lacing up your tr...


Ms. Lieve Wierinck Joins Board of Directors of DICE
4 December 2019

“I have always tried to improve the situation of patients”



Does Type 2 Diabetes Increase the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer?
25 November 2019

Pancreatic cancer is a form of cancer that occurs when cells are produced in the pancreas in an uncontrolled manner. Like all cancers, the earlier ...


World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2019
25 November 2019

On November 21, people around the world united to demand better in the fight against the world’s toughest cancer. The World Pancreatic Cancer Coa...


Adults 85 years and older fare well after CRC operations
30 October 2019

Preliminary study results show many older patients receive a colon cancer diagnosis and operation at the same time, and that a surgeon’s expe...


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