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How alcohol can affect the development of colorectal cancer
23 July 2019

While heavy alcohol consumption is recognised as a contributor to the development of colorectal cancer (CRC), an increasing number of studies sugge...


Bowel cancer rates rising ‘among young adults’
21 May 2019

More young people under 50 are being diagnosed with bowel cancer, two studies of the disease in European and high-income countries have found. Alth...


Event report from Ed Goodall
13 May 2019

Event Report: How is research in Ireland addressing the challenges of bowel cancer? Professor Annette Byrne, Head of the Royal College of Surgeons ...


Success of ECCAM! The Full Report…
30 April 2019

In March 2019 Digestive Cancers Europe launched a campaign to promote colorectal cancer screening at the occasion of the start of European Colon Ca...


Gene Linked to CRC in Younger Patients Identified
29 April 2019 Interview with: Valentine N. Nfonsam, MD, MS, FACS Associate Professor of Surgery Program Director, General Surgery Residency C...


EuropaColon Italia is now on the Web!
15 April 2019

Our Member group EuropaColon Italia is now on the Web! Visit their website: Facebook:


Hours of TV Raises Risk of CRC in Young People
9 April 2019

Sitting and watching TV and other sedentary behavior for more than two hours a day significantly increases the risk of contracting colorectal cance...


Eurordis launches Rare Barometer
2 April 2019

EURORDIS, through its Rare Barometer programme, has launched a new survey on rare diseases/ rare cancers patients’ experience of treatment. The p...


Cancer Patients Need Access to the Best Technology
25 March 2019

Despite the recent advancements in biomedical technology and treatment therapies, cancer remains one of the leading causes of death world-wide. Pat...


Can Dogs Detect Cancer?
20 March 2019

It might sound like something from a science fiction novel but there is now strong scientific evidence to show that our dogs can actually detect hu...


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