Eurordis launches Rare Barometer

EURORDIS, through its Rare Barometer programme, has launched a new survey on rare diseases/ rare cancers patients’ experience of treatment. The p...


Cancer Patients Need Access to the Best Technology

Despite the recent advancements in biomedical technology and treatment therapies, cancer remains one of the leading causes of death world-wide. Pat...


Can Dogs Detect Cancer?

It might sound like something from a science fiction novel but there is now strong scientific evidence to show that our dogs can actually detect hu...


How I defeated colon cancer: The real story of a survivor

Have you or someone close to you been diagnosed with cancer? Are you preparing for a long hard fight? It can be devastating news, hearing that you ...


DiCE Releases the CRC Screening Roadmap

In parallel to the White Paper on Colorectal Cancer Screening, we also present the Roadmap for Colorectal Cancer Screening. The first document is d...


DiCE Releases the CRC Screening White Paper

This year DiCE has released the Colorectal Cancer Screening White Paper. The White Paper highlights the fact that despite the commitment from all E...


Doctor, I’ve been on the internet again

I sat grim-faced in the examining room, waiting for my doctor so I could tell her my bad news. “What’s wrong?” my doctor, Milissa...


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