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DiCE Award Helps EuropaColon Polska Pregnancy Project Come to Life
EuropaColon Polska launches campaign for pregnant women on the risks and signs and symptoms of CRC with help from DiCE Award
...New Normal, Same Cancer Campaign Continues
New Normal, same Cancer campaign continues – with specific materials on certian tumour types also now available
...Welcome to A.R.CA.D – Our New French Member
Welcome to our new Member organisation A.R.CA.D from France – strengthening our collective voice in fighting digestive cancers for patients!<...
Grants to Civil Society Orgs Addressed in Collective Response to EU Consultation
DiCE adds the patient voice to the EPF response to EU Consultation – adding key point on grants to CSO’s
...DiCE Launches Project to Educate Patients and Healthcare Professionals on Biomarkers in Colorectal Cancer
DiCE launches educational project on biomarkers – Colorectal cancer: getting personal can be lifesaving
...Immunotherapy drug nivolumab approved in Europe as adjuvant treatment for patients with oesophageal cancer
The European Commission (EC) recently approved nivolumab (Opdivo®) for the treatment of patients with oesophageal or gastro-oesophageal junction (...
DiCE Projects Ensure Patient Involvement in Basic and Clinical Research
Discover our projects bringing patient involvement into basic and clinical cancer research – overviews to be given in our Masterclass
...All.Can – Cancer Care Efficiency Resources for DiCE Members
All.Can – Cancer Efficiency Resources for DiCE Members