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On Rare Digestive Cancers - Conference Highlights Key Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) Patient Issues
On Rare Digestive Cancers – Conference Highlights Key Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) Patient Issues
27 May 2021

Digestive Cancers Europe Update – Key Issues Facing People Living with Cholangiocarcinoma as per AMMF UK Charity



New Patient Leaflet Available for Patients with CCA and Gallbladder Cancers
New Patient Leaflet Available for Patients with CCA and Gallbladder Cancers
27 May 2021

Trusted Information from EURACAN on Bilary Duct and Gallbladder Cancers



EMA Approves New Treatment Option for Certain Cholangiocarcinoma Patients
EMA Approves New Treatment Option for Certain Cholangiocarcinoma Patients
27 May 2021

Rare Digestive Cancers – EMA Approval of New Treatment Option for Certain Cholangiocarcinoma Patients



Every Day Counts – New Report Published on Cancer Care During the Pandemic
20 May 2021

Discover the new report ‘Every Day Counts’ about the effects of COVID-19 on cancer care



Digestive Cancers Europe Launches New Online Portal to Support Informal Carers of Family and Friends with Colorectal Cancer
17 May 2021

Discover our new online portal ‘Carers’ Connect’ in Finish, Polish and Portuguese to provide support to Informal Carers



Campaign to Encourage People to Get Checked for Cancer Available for DiCE Members
Campaign to Encourage People to Get Checked for Cancer Available for DiCE Members
27 April 2021

The importance of getting checked early for cancer can’t be overstated – this campaign by AstraZeneca that DiCE is making available to ...


‘Time to Act’ - Cancer and COVID Information Hub for Patient Organisations
‘Time to Act’ – Cancer and COVID Information Hub Available for Patient Organisations
8 April 2021

‘Time to Act’ – Cancer and Covid-19 Resource Hub for Patient Organisations, Policy Makers and HCP’s



April is Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month
Nivolumab prolongs disease-free survival in patients with resected oesophageal cancer
7 April 2021

New study shows nivolumab prolongs disease-free survival in patients with resected oesophageal cancer



April is Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month
April is Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month
31 March 2021

Digestive Cancers Europe is pleased to offer resources to help raise awareness on this cancer that is hard to diagnose and treat



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