Members news

DiCE Member Codice Viola Helps Shift to Multidisciplinary Pancreatic Cancer Care
DiCE Member Codice Viola Helps Shift to Multidisciplinary Pancreatic Cancer Care

DiCE Member Codice Viola helps in the shift towards specialised pancreatic cancer care units in the Italian Lombardy Region



Recognising Rare Digestive Cancers – An Overview from our Member Organisation FAPA
Recognising Hereditary and Rare Cancers – An Overview from our Member Organisation FAPA

Rare Diseases in Focus – An Overview of FAP and Lynch Syndrome from our Belgian Member FAPA



Welcome to Our New Swedish Member - PALEMA!
Welcome to Our New Swedish Member – PALEMA!

Welcome to our newest Member – PALEMA from Sweden, strengthening our network that works together for digestive cancer patients



UK Member Launches ‘Colonoscopy Confidence’ Campaign
UK Member Launches ‘Colonoscopy Confidence’ Campaign

UK Member Bowel Cancer UK makes campaign available on ‘Colonoscopy Confidence’



EuropaColon Portugal Advances Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Palliative Care Services
EuropaColon Portugal Advances Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Palliative Care Services

EuropaColon Portugal’s palliative care support project, partly funded by the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award from Digestive Cancers Europe, has ...


Welcome to Iget - Our New Croatian Member
Welcome to IGET – Our New Croatian Member

Welcome to our new Member organisation Iget from Croatia – strengthening our collective voice in fighting digestive cancers for patients!



Spanish Member ACCGG Moves Forward for Gastric Cancer Awareness Month
Spanish Member ACCGG Moves Forward for Gastric Cancer Awareness Month

Spanish Member ACCGG Moves Forward for Gatsric Cancer Awareness Month



We Have a Winner! Results of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award
We Have a Winner! Results of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award

We are pleased to announce the 2021 Winner of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award – EuropaColon Polska!



Ostomy Conference France
Our French Member Builds a ‘French Speaking Bridge’ to World Ostomy Day

The Ostomy Without Borders event brought together 16 French speaking patient organisations



Finnish Governmental Decision on National Colorectal Cancer Screening Positive Step Towards Saving Lives

DiCE speaks with Jenni Tamminen Executive Director Colores about the positive Finnish CRC screening decision



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