News about DiCE

DiCE Collaboration with European Alliance for Personalised Medicine Bears Fruit

Discover an open access policy paper on biomarkers in oncology – a part of a collaborative effort



mCRC Survey
DiCE Survey Results for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Demonstrate Several Areas for Improvement

Find the results of our patient survey on metastatic colorectal cancer giving muscle to our arguments!



Digestive Cancers Europe Colorectal Cancer Carers Guide Expands Reach for First European Carers Day

The Digestive Cancers Europe Carers Guide will be made available in a further six European languages touching more Carers



EU Code of Cancer Practice
European Code of Cancer Practice – DiCE Presents alongside Stella Kyriakides on ‘10 Key Overarching Rights’

Learn about the 10 Key Overarching Rights from the European Code of Cancer Practice



Every Day Counts
DiCE Represents Patient Voice in Report ‘Improving Time to Patient Access to Innovative Oncology Therapies in Europe’

Discover ‘Every Day Counts’ a look at getting better accessibility to innovative cancer therapies for patients



DiCE Joins European Patient Forum in Response to EU4Health Programme

Read the European Patient Forum’s response to the EU4Health Programme with DiCE input



EU Commission
Digestive Cancers Europe Continues Patient Voice Representation on Beating Cancer Plan

DiCE continues its input on the EU Commission’s Beating Cancer Plan



EU Commission
Digestive Cancers Europe Responds to the European Commission’s Cancer Mission

Discover how the digestive cancer voice is being heard for the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission



World Leading Oncologist Prof. Van Cutsem Shares the Latest on Clinical Advances in Digestive Cancers

Access the latest news from world congresses with the renowned Professor – also DiCE Medical Director



DiCE Makes Front Page of Cancer World Magazine

Read the interview with Zorana Maravic highlighting the continued need for screening despite COVID-19



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