Past event

ELPA Patient Summit

This event was organised by our live cancer patient organisation partner ELPA, our CEO Zorana Maravic spoke at the event



Materials Available – ECCAM 2021 Launch Event

European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (ECCAM) March, 2021 kicked off with an event bringing together policy makers, patients and other stakeho...


2nd Live DiCE EU Health Policy Platform Webinar – Designing an Optimal Screening Process in Europe

We invite you to join the first in a series of webinars as a part of our DiCE led
Thematic Network on the European Health Policy Platform: â€...


Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes
Overview DiCE Masterclasses – Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes – All Sessions

We invite our Members to enjoy our Masterclass Series of 2020 as a virtual experience of interactive workshops, lectures and live webinars working ...


Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes
Leading Change in Public Health – Session III, 5th DiCE Masterclass 2020

We invite our Members to enjoy our Masterclass Series of 2020. This session will cover how to best make a difference in the public health arena for...


Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes
Communication for a Stronger Membership Base – 5th DiCE Masterclass 2020

50+ DiCE Member representatives came together on July 1 to share best practices on how to attract people to local organisations



2nd Live Webinar – EU Health Policy Platform Thematic Network

We invite all those interested to join our second live webinar on the EU Health Policy Platform, This second webinar looks into the technologies av...


Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes
Deep Dive into Liver Cancer – Session IV, 5th DiCE Masterclass 2020

We invite our Members to enjoy our Masterclass Series of 2020. This session will delve into the intricacies of liver cancer and how best to support...


Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes
Screening and COVID – Challenges and Opportunities – Session V, 5th DiCE Masterclass 2020

We invite our Members to enjoy our Masterclass Series of 2020. This session will give an update on screening in colorectal cancer – a major t...


European Cancer Organisation
European Cancer Summit 2020

You are invited by the European Cancer Organisation to join their summit



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