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Pancreatic cancer drug reaches Phase III status
22 October 2019

A pancreatic cancer drug discovered in professors Paul Bingham and Zuzana Zachar’s lab in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Ston...


Exercise Can Now Be Prescribed Like Medicine for Cancer Patients
22 October 2019

It is well known that regular exercise can help prevent and treat many forms of heart disease, but less commonly known are the benefits of physical...


European Society of Medical Oncology Congress Presentations Show B-Cell Vaccine Combinations
7 October 2019

(ASX:IMU), a clinical stage immuno-oncology company, today announced two presentations by medical investigators at the European Society of Medical ...


COLOSSUS project which we are supporting has published a new video
3 October 2019

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Europe. COLOSSUS is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project that aims to provide new and more effect...


Digestive Cancers Europe has developed a position paper on the use of biosimilars medicine in colorectal cancer
25 September 2019

With the help of the Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) comprising of 7 colorectal cancer patients and carers, Digestive Cancers Europe has developed...


More Antibiotics, Higher Odds for Colon Cancer?
12 September 2019

Taking certain antibiotics — especially multiple times or for long courses — may put you at risk for colon cancer, a large new study su...


Overcoming resistance in pancreatic cancer
12 September 2019

In pancreatic cancer cells’ struggle to survive, the cells choose alternative routes when their main pathways are blocked by drugs. Researche...


Simple test produces a color change in urine to signal tumor growth in mice
3 September 2019

A simple and sensitive urine test developed by Imperial and MIT engineers has produced a color change in urine to signal growing tumors in mice. To...


Exercise ‘delays progression’ of advanced colorectal cancer
28 August 2019

Metastatic colorectal cancer patients who engage in moderate exercise while having chemotherapy tend to have delayed disease progression and fewer ...


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