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First Immunotherapy Drug Durvalumab Plus Chemotherapy Approved in Europe for Advanced Biliary Cancer
11 January 2023

On 21 December the European Commission (EC) approved the use of durvalumab (Imfinzi ®) plus chemotherapy (gemcitabine plus cisplatin) as the first...


The EC Approves Nivolumab Plus Chemotherapy as First Line Treatment for Oesophageal Cancer
Trastuzumab Deruxtecan Approved as Second-line Treatment in Europe For Patients With HER2-positive Advanced Gastric Cancer
11 January 2023

On December 19th the European Commission (EC) approved the use of trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu ®) plus chemotherapy (gemcitabine plus cisplatin...


Nutrition Position Paper
12 December 2022

Nutritional intervention is essential to cancer treatments. It can reduce hospitalisation length and treatment-related toxicity while improving nut...


Member Organisation Update
4 December 2022

News From The North, PALEMA’s Tireless Efforts During The Months of October and November



National Cancer Center Japan Asks for Your Support on a Project to Impact Patient Engagement
4 December 2022

Would you like to know how and where patient engagement is happening in R&D? Would you like to see an objective comparison between Europe and J...


We Have a Winner! Results of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award
28 November 2022

We are pleased to announce the 2021 Winner of the Wolfram Nolte Memorial Award – EuropaColon Polska!



European Commission Spending Plan for 2023 – Adoption of EU4Health Work Programme
28 November 2022

The European Commission adopted the 2023 EU4Health work programme. It lists in detail all working streams and activities planned by DG SANTE in the...


Digestive Health Community Support for the Proposed EU Cancer Screening Recommendations
7 November 2022

DiCE and United European Gastroenterology (UEG) issued a letter of support for the European Commission’s proposal.



Looking into 2023, Pharma Legislation & Health Data Set to Dominate the Health Policy Space
22 October 2022

DiCE welcomed the proposal for a regulation to set up European Health Data Space (EHDS). We believe that health data can improve health systems and...


Two New Projects Implemented for CRC patients in Israel
22 October 2022

Tzav Meni’a, our Associate Member, based in Israel, has recently implemented two new projects – A mentorship programme to support patie...


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