European Commission Spending Plan for 2023 – Adoption of EU4Health Work Programme

The European Commission adopted the 2023 EU4Health work programme. It lists in detail all working streams and activities planned by DG SANTE in the...


Digestive Health Community Support for the Proposed EU Cancer Screening Recommendations

DiCE and United European Gastroenterology (UEG) issued a letter of support for the European Commission’s proposal.



Colonoscopies DO Save Lives!

A study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine created much buzz in mid-October, questioning the usefulness of colonoscopies as ...


DiCE participated in the successful in-person Patient Engagement Open Forum (#PEOF2022) in Barcelona!

DiCE participated in three exciting days of innovative and inspiring live workshops. The patient & people-centric sessions offered the chance t...


Looking into 2023, Pharma Legislation & Health Data Set to Dominate the Health Policy Space

DiCE welcomed the proposal for a regulation to set up European Health Data Space (EHDS). We believe that health data can improve health systems and...


Two New Projects Implemented for CRC patients in Israel

Tzav Meni’a, our Associate Member, based in Israel, has recently implemented two new projects – A mentorship programme to support patie...


DiCE is proud to be part of the #myUEGcommunity at UEGWeek2022

At DiCE, we strongly believe in cooperation and working together, which is why it was our pleasure to join UEG at their yearly congress in Vienna t...


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