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Czech Presidency Putting Spotlight on Oncology – New Proposed Cancer Screening Recommendations
19 September 2022Earlier this month the Czech Presidency of the EU conducted an informal meeting of EU health ministers in Prague. Ministers discussed oncology, rar...
International Symposium on “EARLY-ONSET COLORECTAL CANCER” – Milan, 01 – 02 September 2022
19 September 2022DiCE was invited to participate in the symposium organised by the gastroenterology and gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit from the San Raffaele Scient...
Liver Cancer: No Patient Left Behind, Optimising the European Response
14 September 2022DiCE and ELPA will host a European policy event on 12 October 2022 at the European Parliament.
...COVID-19 impact on healthcare management of people with chronic diseases
26 August 2022The European Patients’ Forum (EPF) conducted a COVID-19 survey between 18 September to 18 October 2020 (the report is available here).&...
ESMO Update – New Clinical Recommendations for Optimal Targeted Therapies
26 July 2022DiCE signs joint letter requesting the ENVI committee is involved in the setting up of the European Health Data Space
...European Health Data Space – DiCE Contributes Patient Voice
14 July 2022DiCE signs joint letter requesting the ENVI committee is involved in the setting up of the European Health Data Space
...European Commission Supports EU Countries in Tackling Common Health Risks
14 July 2022The EU Commission is supporting European countries in tackling common health risks in its NCD guiding document
...Adding the Patient Voice on Health Technology Assessments
13 July 2022Zorana Maravic, Digestive Cancers Europe CEO represented the patient voice towards the HTx European Commission funded Horizon 2020 project
...Study Delivers Promising Results for Genetic Biomarker Test for Stage II Colorectal Cancer
13 July 2022Sceintific Update – researchers conduct trial to assess if a ctDNA-guided approach could reduce the use of adjuvant chemotherapy in a patient...
Scientists Discover Cell Population Linked to Post Chemotherapy Colon Cancer Recurrence
13 July 2022Scientific Update: scientists discover cell population linked to post chemotherapy colon cancer recurrence